Our Catalogues

Organic Tuscany Pasta

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5 kg BIO catalogue

Updated 05/2014

5kg Catalog

Updated 05/2014

Flavors of Tuscany

Updated 05/2014

Catalog 500gr

Updated 05/2014

Certifications and Declarations

Iso 9001 Certification

Expiration 12/13/2014

OGM-free Declaration

Dated 11/05/2012

News and Supplemets

Relevant changes to the structure of the dough with high-temperature drying

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To dry pasta at low temperature: why?

In large pasta pasta is dried in three or four hours, with temperatures up to 130° c. The savings in time and cost is significant, but this is totally at the expense of nutritional quality. In addition to what can be deduced from signs of Simoneton, we can add that by drying at high temperature important nutrients are lost ...

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Furosina as quality marker of durum wheat semolina pasta

The furosina is a product of the Maillard reaction that forms in foods subject to thermal stress. By law the furosina should be monitored ...

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